Ask the Advocate July 2021 Tax News

Brenda Voet, EA, Taxpayers

Brenda Voet, EA
Taxpayers’ Rights Advocate
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Once we process all incoming returns and payments, notices will start going out for some returns. Given the time-sensitive nature of our notices, working through the normal channels with the program area identified on them, is the most efficient way to quickly resolve any issues. It is also the first step in the problem resolution process. If your client disagrees with a notice, or we are requesting information, here are the normal channels to use for three of our most common notices.

Notice of Tax Return Change:

Specific codes are used to identify the reason(s) for these change and are provided with the notice. A search on our website for: notice of tax return change, will also provide a detailed description of the related codes, and information about what to do for each code. Some of our recommendations include: