How to do a tax report in gnu cash

This section is a "work in process" all of the material has not been reviewed for V2.0. While it may not be strictly accurate, it is at least a "guide".

Reports and Charts give GnuCash the ability to present an overview of financial data in various ways. This can range from a simple summary of account totals to an advanced portfolio view. This section will present an explanation of the main GnuCash reports and how to adjust them.

5.4.1. Types of Reports and Graphs

GnuCash has classified the main types of reports into four major classes. These are all available under the Reports menu. Note that barcharts can be moved by clicking on them and dragging the mouse, and piecharts can be "exploded" into individual segments. General Reports

The General Reports includes the Tax Report and TXF Export, the Account Summary and the Transaction Reports and also the reports in the Sample & Custom menu.

For this to work, the user has to segregate taxable and non taxable income to different accounts, as well as deductible and non deductible expenses. The Tax Information dialog is used for this. To access the Tax Information dialog go to Edit -> Tax Options. The user also must set the TXF category of each tax related account. The Tax Information dialog is described in the Setting Tax Options section. Assets & Liabilities

The Assets & Liabilities reports includes the Balance Sheet report, Investment reports and the Net Worth report. Income & Expense

The Income & Expense reports includes the Cash Flow and Income Statement reports. Business Reports

The Business Reports includes Customer and Vendor Reports and Printable Invoices as well as Aging reports.

5.4.2. To Create Reports and Graphs

It is possible to write reports if the current ones are not suitable. To do this you will need to know Scheme (a LISP-like programming language), and it is an excellent idea to have a copy of the GnuCash source code available.

The reporting interface is documented in the source code file src/report/report-system/doc/report-html.txt. The file src/scm/report/hello-world.scm in the GnuCash source distribution provides a good example of how reports are developed.

It is also necessary to access data from the engine to get information for your report. This is performed by a set of Scheme wrapper functions that are documented in the file src/g-wrap/gnc.html. Examine some of the other reports in src/scm/report for an indication of how they are used.

At present, reports are produced by calling a HTML-generation API, which outputs a dialect of HTML and rendering this with a HTML widget. This has limitations, particularly when trying to align objects precisely, as might be necessary for printing onto pre-printed invoices for example.

5.4.3. To Customize Reports and Graphs

GnuCash reports have many options for customization. To access report options choose the Options button on the toolbar.

Many reports share similar sorts of options. Some common ones include:

5.4.4. To Print or Export Reports and Graphs

GnuCash is able to print reports and to export the reports to web pages. The Print GnuCash Document dialog is accessed from the Print button on the toolbar or go to File -> Print in the menu. To Export a report to a web page (HTML) select the Export button on the toolbar and type in a file name.

The Print GnuCash Document dialog is used to select which Printer to send the print job to or to print to a File. It also contains a Preview button to view the document before printing. Press Print to send the job to the selected printer or Cancel to dismiss the Print dialog.

Printing from an open register prints the Account Report, which is also called the Register Report. This lists transactions in the account with a total. Other reports print as viewed in the Report screen.

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