Frequently asked questions – Unified audit

Unified audit is a new option to progress or maintain your Silver and Gold accreditations by submitting one combined Silver/Gold application, so you will only have one Silver/Gold expiry date. This option is voluntary and currently available for organisations with single operating centre accreditation (SOCA) only.

What does aligning dates mean?

Aligning dates means choosing a new single expiry date. You can align the following expiry dates:

Your Bronze audit remains a separate on-site audit. If you are due for a Bronze on-site audit, this must be passed prior to submitting the Silver and the combined Silver/Gold application.

How much does unified audit cost?

Operators with more than three vehicles can save £90 on renewing Gold, or progressing to Gold, when opting for Silver/Gold unified audit. Small operators will continue to only pay the Silver audit fee of £235 when opting for Silver/Gold unified audit.

Type of audit Annual audit fee
Silver audit £235 +VAT
Gold audit £235 +VAT
Gold audit for small operators (*) No charge
Combined Silver/Gold audit £380 +VAT
Combined Silver/Gold audit for small operators (*) £235 +VAT

(*) small operators are those with a total fleet no larger than three vehicles

For more information on fees, click here.

Is the unified application form different?

Yes it is different. The new unified form allows you to evidence both Silver and Gold requirements in one combined form. The Silver/Gold requirements are still the same.

I can't access the unified audit application forms on the evidencing page. How do I access the forms?

If you cannot access the forms on the evidencing page, it means the option is not available for you. This is because you have less than 45 days left on your earliest accreditation or you have already started a different application.

What unified date should I choose?

Your optimum date for unification is the maximum date presented to you by the system based on all your current accreditation expiry dates. You can choose any date within the range of minimum and maximum dates allowed, but you will lose more time on your accreditation the first year you unify if you don’t choose your maximum date.

Can I choose any date I like for my single expiry date?

The system will define a range for you to select a date from. The range will offer you a minimum and a maximum date. You can see your individual date range on the evidencing system page when you opt in for unified audit.

Case 1: You have between 75 and 45 calendar days left on your first expiring accreditation

Case 2: You have more than 75 calendar days left on your first expiring accreditation

Can I start a unified audit application if I have already started a Silver or a Gold one?

Yes you can, but only if you have not already submitted your application. You will need to cancel the original application and start a new combined one. However, be aware that you will lose any data entered when you cancel an application.

I opened the unified audit application form but don’t want to progress with it anymore. What should I do?

You can cancel your application at any time, as long as you haven’t submitted it yet, by clicking on the Cancel button. Once you cancel an application, all application options will be available again. However, be aware that you will lose any data entered when you cancel an application.

Can I become Gold accredited without passing all the Silver requirements?

No. If you fail any of the Silver requirements you will get a major action point on Gold requirement ‘G1 FORS Silver’. This means that you cannot be Gold accredited without passing all Silver and Gold requirements.

Can I become Silver accredited without passing all the Gold requirements?

Yes. If you fail any of the Gold requirements but pass all the Silver requirements, you will become Silver accredited and you will receive a Silver certificate with the unified expiry date you chose. If Gold is then achieved within the 30 calendar day follow-up period, a Gold certificate will be sent to you.