On the job training forms templates

Many organizations struggle to build a structured and efficient training process from scratch. To ease the process, companies can use prebuilt templates and checklists as a start to create scalable and productive training programs. Here are a few types of employee training templates.

1. New-hire training template

New hire training is essential to help new employees start on the right foot. This training plan is implemented for practical reasons such as providing insights into the job role, familiarizing with company policies and procedures, demonstrating enterprise tools, etc.

An effective new-hire training plan helps eliminate the new workplace jitters, uncertainty, and low morale that new hires might feel if they’re not adequately supported in their initial days. Templates created for new-employee training are utilized to ensure an organization’s success in these programs.

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Get access to a comprehensive employee training checklist to kickstart your new hire training program.

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2. Training needs assessment template

Creating a training needs assessment plan before launching a training program lay the necessary groundwork to understand an organization’s actual need for specific training programs and make decisions based on measurable outcomes to achieve better ROI.

Training needs assessment template

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3. Individual employee training plan template

An employee training plan is a document that details a training program and outlines the goals, learning outcomes, training methods, strategies, and curriculum for training employees across the organization.

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4. Employee development plan template

Employee development plans are proactive, forward-looking action plans for employees to acquire new skills and competencies. They’re driven by a set of goals that employees wish to achieve to improve their jobs and advance in their careers.

Employee development plan template

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13 additional learning & development templates

We have gathered some of the most comprehensive and high-quality employee training templates and checklists to help you design a dynamic, scalable training process for your organization. These templates will help you identify and focus on key employee development areas.

Training Plan Templates

Post Employee Training Templates

Employee Training Plan Templates for Different Training Programs

6 tips for building an effective employee training plan

Here are a few tips for building an effective employee training plan.

1. Assess Training Needs

Conducting a training needs analysis is a crucial step of your employee training plan to develop effective training materials and make the best use of your production time.

A training needs assessment helps identify who needs to be trained, the gap in skills, and the type of training that will fill the training requirements. A needs assessment is conducted through research, interviews, internal surveys, observations, etc.

2. Set Training Goals and Objectives

An employee training plan contains the long and short-term measurable outcomes that employees are expected to achieve after completing a training program. These objectives communicate the tangible benefits of the training in a way that engages and resonates with employees.

When developing training objectives , make sure metrics give the whole picture, including quantity, quality, time, cost, and effectiveness and are aligned with overall business goals.

3. Determine Training Method

The next step in the employee training plan is to choose a suitable employee training method ideal for the overall organization and individual team members. To find the most appropriate employee training method for your training program it is crucial to understand the learning style of your employees.

Other important factors to consider for narrowing down the training method selection are – training objectives, goals, cost, timeline, organization’s culture, size, remote or office-based environment, etc.

For instance, smaller companies prefer in-person training programs more cost-effective, whereas larger enterprises or distributed companies benefit from online self-paced training that requires less coordination.

Some of the most common employee training methods are:

  1. eLearning
  2. On-the-Job Training
  3. Instructor-Led Learning
  4. Roleplaying
  5. Coaching
  6. Simulation Training
  7. Group Activities
  8. Video Training
  9. Cross-Training
  10. Job Shadowing
  11. Case Studies

4. Determine Training Technology

Investing in employee training software empowers HR teams and people managers to create and assign training courses to employees and monitor progress and track completion rates. These tools standardize the employee training procedure across the organization and use various interactive learning techniques to engage employees. Here are a few examples of training technology companies can invest in

  1. Corporate Learning Management Systems (LMS) – These systems provide progress tracking, course organization, and training management features to scale training and development across the company.
  2. Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) – DAPs are an employee training solution that provides automated, personalized training in the flow of work. DAPs assign each learner a contextual task list containing interactive walkthroughs and other in-app content based on the learner’s role or title. Walkthroughs are a series of step-by-step prompts that show users how to complete a certain process by guiding them through each step, showing them relevant training videos, or providing informative articles.
  3. Knowledge Management System – These systems provide an online, self-service center for employees to search for answers to any question on company policy, benefits, or processes. These knowledge base software tools act as internal wikis for companies.
  4. Video Training Software – These platforms allow HR teams and people managers to create video content for onboarding and training their team members.

5. Determine Training Budget

Your training budget is allocated for your L&D program’s implementation based on the training needs and training methods. This budget includes paying for the trainers and their travel expenses, setting aside a place for hosting a workshop or seminar, paying for the training software, and other additional resources such as paper, ink, print materials, extra educational programs.

6. Evaluate the Effectiveness of Training Plan

To understand whether or not your employee training plans are working, determine if the learning objectives are met at the end of the training. Consider the following methods to measure the effectiveness of your employee training plan: