2040 General Plan

The General Plan represents the City of Gilroy’s view of its future and expresses the community’s vision and guiding principles for development. The Gilroy 2040 General Plan contains eleven (11) chapters including an introduction to the document and an Implementation Plan to ensure the goals and policies in the General Plan are carried out. The remaining nine (9) chapters are the Elements of the General Plan and contain the goals and policies upon which the City Council and Planning Commission base their decisions. The Policy Document also contains a land use diagram, which serves as a General Plan map, illustrating the distribution of land uses throughout the City.

2040 General Plan Vision Statement: “In 2040, Gilroy is a diverse and culturally rich community with a small-town feel. Gilroy’s economy is thriving, with a healthy business environment and ample job opportunities for residents. Visitors come to Gilroy for its wineries, shopping, festivals, and recreational opportunities. It is well-known throughout the region for its excellent schools, agriculture, and downtown.”

2040 General Plan Guiding Principles: The General Plan includes the following eight (8) guiding principles for development: 1) Foster Economic Growth; 2) Cultivate a Downtown Renaissance; 3) Balance Growth and Open Space; 4) Promote Fiscal Strength; 5) Foster a Sustainable Community; 6) Ensure Public Safety; 7) Offer Recreation Opportunities; and 8) Support Housing Options. These guiding principles are described in the Introduction chapter of the Draft General Plan.

Environmental Impact Report: The City has also completed an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Gilroy 2040 General Plan, which includes the Draft EIR (DEIR) that evaluates the environmental effect of general plan buildout, and the Final EIR which contains public comments on the DEIR, the response to comments on the DEIR, and necessary changes to the DEIR.

Additionally, the City of Gilroy City Council adopted a resolution with the findings of fact and a statement of overriding considerations for the Gilroy 2040 General Plan.