Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Ice Damage?

Snow and ice damaging the roof of a home

It’s hard to believe, but winter is right around the corner. If you aren’t already, you should be starting to think about what that means for protecting your home from the new season. Snow, sleet, ice, falling debris, and winter storms can cause significant damage to your home and property, and insurance coverage is essential to help provide you with security. Does your homeowner’s insurance cover ice damage? How about roof damage from snow ? The good news is that most homeowner’s insurance policies provide protection if snow, hail, or ice damages your home. However, old Jack Frost usually has a lot of tricks up his sleeve during winter months, and it’s a good idea to make sure you understand if your policy is comprehensive enough to combat all of them.

Types of Homeowner’s Insurance Coverage

A standard homeowner’s insurance policy includes many layers of coverage to help protect you from snow and ice damage , including:

Does Home Insurance Cover Roof Damage from Snow?

Homeowner’s insurance does cover roof damage from snow . It is usually included in the “weight of ice and snow” portion of homeowner’s insurance . Under most plans, you are entitled to reimbursement for damages to your roof and dwelling, whether it be from cracks or caving in. Homeowner’s insurance also covers roof collapse from snow , including “falling objects” coverage to cover the inside of your home as well as your personal belongings. Depending on the policy, you could be eligible for coverage for frozen or burst pipes.

Does Homeowner’s Insurance Cover Ice Dam Damage?

An ice dam is a collection or buildup of water on your roof that freezes, creating a large ridge, or dam, of ice. The dams can be heavy and damage your roof. They can also prevent water from running off your roof, contributing to even more complications. Your homeowner’s insurance likely covers ice dams . Along the same lines, homeowner’s insurance often covers roof leaks from ice dams . Again, “weight of ice and snow” peril coverage under your homeowner’s insurance usually covers ice dam damage.

Does homeowner’s insurance cover ice dam removal ? Probably, if it damages your home. However, policies usually don’t cover “preventative” measures, so if the dam hasn’t yet caused ice damage , you would likely be responsible to cover the costs for removal.

Does Homeowner’s Insurance Cover Frost Heave?

Frost heave is when wet soil freezes, expands, then upthrusts the ground. If there is a hard material or structure above the soil when the heave occurs, it causes uneven sideways, lifted or cracked pavement, and damaged building foundations. It can also cause or exasperate water related damage to your home and property. Frost heave, and associated water damage, are often listed as exempted events on insurance policies.

What Types of Snow and Ice Damage are Not Covered?

There are some other challenges related to snow and ice damage that are usually not covered by homeowner’s insurance, like: