150+ Community Service Ideas & Examples For Students

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Former Admissions Committee Member, Columbia University

Interested in giving back to your community? Need some community service ideas to inspire you and kickstart your volunteer journey? Read on to learn more!

Gandhi proclaimed, “To find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others,” and he wasn’t alone in his sentiments. Dozens of influential leaders have expressed strong opinions on volunteerism, illustrating its importance and value within society.

From Gandhi's quote alone, it’s clear community service is a two-way street where both parties can experience mutual benefits. As the beneficiaries receive the support they require to improve their quality of life or circumstances, volunteers gain perspective, a sense of purpose, and invaluable skills that will aid them throughout their lives.

With all that being said, it can be difficult to pick the right community service project to dedicate your time and effort. To help you in the process, this guide will provide you with 150 community project ideas!

What Is Community Service?

Before sharing our list of excellent community service projects, let’s go over the basics. What is community service? Community service refers to voluntary activities undertaken by individuals or groups with the aim of benefiting an affected community or, sometimes society, as a whole.

Community service acts are unpaid and involve dedicating your time and skills to assist others, address social concerns, and contribute to your community—which isn’t confined to just your immediate geographical area! Your community might extend to the entire nation, neighboring countries, your home country, or the globe as a whole.

Community service can take on various forms and is not defined by its impact—whether you help one person or a thousand, it can still be considered a service act.

Outside of improving the community, the primary purpose of community service is to promote social responsibility, foster empathy, broaden perspectives, and strengthen community bonds.

Benefits of Community Service for Students

The next question we need to address is, “why is community service important?” There are several benefits to community service projects, including:

Overall, community service projects are extremely important! It is a valuable and enriching experience that prepares students for successful and meaningful futures.

150 Community Service Project Ideas

To help get the ball rolling and ensure you find the community service activities that fit your interests and address the social concerns that you’re most passionate about, here are 150 diverse service project ideas!

General Ideas

donation box

Here are some general community service examples if you aren’t set on volunteering with a particular group or organization:

Assisting Children and Teens

kids doing art

Whether you’re interested in working with children in the future or simply feel the most connected to the youth in your community, there are several ways to help address their needs:

Assisting the Homeless

food drive volunteers

If you’d like to promote more inclusion and empathy in your society, consider participating in the following community service projects that focus on assisting the homeless:

Assisting Seniors

senior man with young woman

Seniors have and continue to make up a large percentage of the volunteer force. For as long as they’re able to, a large percentage of seniors dedicate their time to giving back to their community. As such, it only seems fitting that you give back to those who have made such great contributions to society!

Here are some community service experiences to assist seniors:

Assisting Animals

young girl with dog licking her face

For all you animal lovers, these next community service examples are just for you!

Assisting the Environment

volunteers picking up trash

They say charity begins at home, so consider participating in a community service project that protects everyone’s home—Earth!

If you're looking to gain valuable experience, start a new hobby, and make a positive impact on your community, these community service ideas will be a valuable resource for you. Plus, if you aren’t involved in any extracurricular activities, these suggestions are a good way to get started.

FAQs: Community Service

For any remaining questions about community service projects, read on to find your answers!

1. What Is the Most Common Type of Community Service?

Working with children is one of the most common types of community service. High school students typically tutor them, care for them, or mentor them.

2. How Can I Positively Contribute to My Community?

Choose community service projects you’re passionate about. Dedicate your sincere time and effort to these projects and empathize with the people affected. Stick to these projects for a long period of time so you form connections with the beneficiaries and can make a meaningful, positive impact on them!

3. How Much Time Should I Dedicate to Community Service?

There isn’t a set amount of time you should dedicate to community service. It should not be treated like a chore or a competition–the aim is not to get as many community service hours as possible to boost your resume.

Dedicate as much time as you can to volunteering while being mindful of your other commitments, like academics and extracurriculars. Whether it be just a couple hours a week or 20, any time spent contributing to your community over time can make a difference!

4. How Can Community Service Benefit Students?

Community service offers numerous benefits for students. It provides an opportunity to develop leadership skills, gain practical experience, explore potential career interests, and strengthen their college applications.

It can also open more doors for them when it comes to scholarships, as many scholarships seek students with a commitment to community engagement. Moreover, community service allows students to develop a well-rounded character. They gain unique perspectives, are exposed to diverse cultures, and learn to be more empathetic.

They may also be able to challenge some of their own stereotypes and misconceptions and become more inclusive and culturally competent individuals.

5. How Do I Choose the Right Community Service Projects?

Choosing the right community service projects involves considering your interests, skills, and the needs of the community. Here are some steps to help you make the right choice:

If, after all of these steps, you still don’t resonate with a particular community service project, feel free to start your own!

Final Thoughts

Overall, as many influential leaders and celebrities would argue, giving back to the world is a fundamental part of life! It not only provides support to those who need it most but can offer you a sense of fulfillment, assist with your self-discovery, and teach you lifelong lessons.

Now that you have a long list of community service ideas to choose from, it’s time to find yourself by helping others!